In Engeland wordt alleen van de eerste drie geplaatste honden per klasse een keurverslagje gemaakt en die wordt dan gepubliceerd in een krant, Dogworld geheten. Dit zijn de keurverslagen van resp. Jordi, Kalle en Kylie:
PGD (12) 1 Spence’s Jordi van de Stommeerpolder from Cicada, mature dog in full coat & excellent condition. Tends to stand a bit bum high at times. Wide fully developed thighs & second thighs giving strength to hindquarters which he used well on the move, strong bone with well padded feet, beautifully presented with coat in excellent condition;
Working D (5) 1 Ijpelaar’s Kalle van de Stommeerpolder, well constructed alert energetic dog, sound construction & movement, well proportioned head, intelligent & biddable expression, excellent front, straight forelegs, well padded tight feet, good topline & underline. Quite taken with him here & kept in final few for challenge but looked a little raw against the more mature dogs;
Working B (3,1) 1 Spaargaren-Braam’s Dutch YCH Nova v d Stommeerpolder, good head, outline & depth of brisket, well sprung ribs carried back to strong loin, moved well with long gait & good drive, in excellent condition, well handled to get the best from her;